Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Increased range of Suunto Watches

We have now increased the range of Suunto watches (or wristop computers as they like to call them) on the website. The range now includes all the X range including the original Suunto Vector in all colours, the T1/T3/T4 training range and also the Gps watch the X10. In addition to this we now offer the largest selection of Suunto spares and accessories such as straps, batteries, heart rate monitors and even screen protectors.

In case you havent seen them already try and take a minute to look at the new Suunto Core, we have this in all sorts of colours and variations but my favourite is the bling Suunto (you'll spot the one.

I also found this cool video on Youtube of a dude so please with his Core he went to extremes to share it with everyone

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